
David & Lynette

“Did David Van Gerpen just walk into the room?” Lynette asked her friend Jill, who had br..


Michael & Sabrina

This is the short and sweet story of Sabrina & Michael. They met online, flirted for a bi..


Megan & Branden

When a girl needs to get her car fixed, there’s nothing like being able to rely on a good m..


Erin & Jareth

Erin was the one that got away. She and Jareth first crossed paths at King’s Skate in Elk ..


Here’s To Us – Nick & Christina

It’s often been said that the most beautiful thing a girl can wear is a smile, and El Dorad..


Jenna & Pete

Pete first caught Jenna’s eye way back in 2011, when she happened to stop in at a watering ..


Nicholas & Lindsey

Lindsey & Nick met the "old fashioned" way – at a bar. It took a couple of months of cr..


Desirae & Andrew

Sometimes, losing something means gaining something else even more important. In this case, a..